1903 - 1981
Welcome to the portfolio of Leone Bowers Hamilton, a place where you can discover her artwork and professional experience. From a childhood interest in painting, this professional female artist went on to teach, sell her art, and have many gallery showings, including internationally. This site presents paintings owned by family and friends, or on display in museums, galleries, and public places.
Should you know of or have her art, please contact us so we can include a photo of it here.

Learn more about Leone's art from about 1915 until 1943.
“I prefer color to black and white. Even though I like drawing and I think drawing’s beautiful just in itself, without any idea of using color. Color is so exciting to me I almost feel sometimes I can get drunk on color.”
Leone Bowers Hamilton, 1978 Interview

Learn more about Leone's modern abstract expressionist work from about 1944 to 1981.